Tuesday 28 April 2015

What is your financial blueprint set for?

You must be wondering by now that, what is financial blueprint is all about and how does it really affect you. What is your current money and success blue print? Are you set for success, mediocrity or financial failure? Are you set for working hard for your money or working in balance?

Just try and observe around and also the thought process you carry for these years. Did you hear people saying that “Luck is not favoring me since my childhood? Whatever I do I suffer loss.” Just try and analyze following few questions.

  1. Are you set for picking winning investments or picking losers?
  2. Are you programmed for saving money or spending money?
  3. Are you programmed for managing money well or mismanaging it?
If you observe very closely, people with same traits always come together. We know one proverb. Birds with same feather flock together. SO it is very clear that, “Your financial blueprint will determine your financial life and even your personal life.”

Let me give you an example. If you are women whose financial blue print is set for LOW, big chances are you will attract a man who is set for LOW so you can stay in your financial “Comfort Zone” and validate your blueprint. Similarly; if you are a man who is set for low, chances are you will attract a women who is spender and get rid of all your money, so you can stay in your financial “Comfort Zone” and validate your blueprint.
Most people believe the success of their business is primarily dependent on their business skills and knowledge or at least timing of the market place. Here I completely disagree with this thought process. How well your business does is a result of your money blueprint. You will always validate your blueprint. If you have set your blueprint for Rs. 10,00,000/- a year, that’s exactly how the business will do enough the earn the desired amount. And vice a versa if you have set your blueprint for Rs. 100,00,000/- a year you will definitely reach the desired figure just because of your set Financial Blue print.

So let’s try and understand what your money blueprint set is for? One obvious way to look for the results you have achieved so far.
  • Look at your bank account.
  • Look at your income.
  • Look at your net worth.
  • Look at your success with investments.
  • Look at your whether you are spender or saver.
  • Look at your relationships that involve money.
Is the money a struggle or does it come to your easily? Do you stick to one business OR job for a long OR do you jump around a lot?

If you analyze all these questions and have received answers for them, you will realize that these are just the result of the thought process you have been carrying for all these years. All these negative or positive thoughts do not live in your head rent free. Each though will either move you towards happiness or success OR away from it. That is why it is very important you choose your thoughts and beliefs very wisely.

To choose all these positive thoughts about Money, you must understand “How do rich people think and act?”

So my dear blog readers; if you want to understand the exact thought process to become rich and change your financial life forever, please stay connected for all 17 main wealth principles which we will post on our blog in due course of time.

Cheers for your journey towards “Complete Financial freedom”

Tuesday 21 April 2015

“Specific Incidents”

The Third primary way in which we are conditioned is by specific incidents. What you have experienced when you were young around money, wealth and rich people? These experiences are very important because they shape the beliefs you live with.

Let me give you an example. You all know film industry. You have/ been watching Hindi films right from your childhood. Just try and analyze. What is the message given in most of the films? It is always presumed that; Hero of any film has to be good person. He is good by heart and is very care taking person. The villain of the film is most notorious person and is having all possible bad habits. 

But, the main difference shown is that As hero is good person – He is always shown as a poor person. He does not have money with him” as against this “villain is rich person and enjoying all possible good life style”.

This is not the end, in 100% of the films; Villain who is having money and is rich enough is defeated by a hero who is poor and a good guy.

Every individual has a tendency to show that he is good person. And these incidences are so ingrained in our mind that “To be a good person, you have to be poor.” If you become rich person; you always have the feeling that the entire society will call you a villain. So, most people prefer to be a poor rather than calling them self a villain. 

Statistics show that number one cause of all relationship breakups is money. If you understand very closely; biggest reason for all these fight is not just money but the money psychology you have regarding money. The money psychology we discuss is named as Financial Blueprint

Stay tuned for our next blog on – What is your financial blueprint set for?

Wednesday 15 April 2015


The second way we are conditioned is called as Modeling.

Well from past years of your life, you must have believed and implemented what you have seen with your eyes. In short; we believe and implement what we see. As kids, we learn just about everything from modeling.

Just try and think; what were your parents like in the arena of money when you were growing up? Were they managing money well or they mismanaged it? Were they shrewd investors or non investors? What was type of money flow they have, continuous or sporadic? Was money a source of joy in your house or the cause of bitter argument? I request you to analyze your own money beliefs which you have with you now. I guarantee most of us have deep rooted the same beliefs which are gifted to us while you were kid. And believe me;
it’s not just about money. It is true for every part of your life. Because one of the old saying says “every fruit doesn’t fall too far from the tree”.

Let us take an example of how modeling affects us. We have a ritual of breaking a coconut. I have observed some people break the coconut with top on front and some people with base of coconut on front. I was just wondering, why this two different type of coconut breaking. I analyzed by pattern of breaking a coconut. I used to keep top on the front. While I analyzed, there is no specific reason, but I have seen my parents doing in the similar pattern and carrying this habit for all these years.

The point is that generally speaking, we tend to be identical to one or a combination of our parents in the arena of money.

For example, my father was an entrepreneur and used to run a foundry. He used to do job work for one of renowned automobile company. General trend in the automobile industry is that for every cycle of 5 years there used to be a recession. During every recession there was no job work and thus he used to be in heavy cash crunch. Things happened for several years. And if I observe now situation is much similar these days also.

SO my mind was trained to be in recession every 5 years till the time I changed my self. I said I have to be in a business which does have had any recession and I acted accordingly. So I tried to change the modeled thought about money to change in my favor.

Another specific modeling engraved in your mind is “You must save enough money for your hospitalization, after retirement you will be suffering lot of health issues” Now here our intention is to save money for hospitalization so with power of intention we end up spending our savings for the same purpose.

In short my friends, we have to be very clear with our purpose for money. Modeling had played a very vital role in making our money habits. For reaching fully financial potential you need to recognize how all these negative habits have affected your success in the arena of money and change to positive habits.

Steps for changing these habits remain same.

  1. Awareness of negative money habits on your mind.
  2. Understanding of how these negative habits have done impact on your financial life.
  3. Disassociation by considering how you really want to be in present life.
  4. Declaration by saying that “Whatever I have learned negative about money is not true. Now onwards I will choose my own way to live my present life”

Stay tuned for our next blog on – “Specific Incidents”

Sunday 12 April 2015

How is your mind conditioned to think about money in your life?

We are conditioned in three primary ways in the arena of life, including money.

  • Verbal Programming – What you hear when you were young?
  • Modeling – What did you see when you were young?
  • Specific incidents – What did you experience when you were young?

Let’s begin with verbal programming.

Verbal programming

To understand the verbal programming properly; I request you to go in your childhood and try to recollect, what did you hear about money, wealth and rich people when you were growing up?
Did you hear phrases like this:

1.       Money is root cause of all evils
2.       पैश्याच्या श्रीमंती पेक्षा मनाची श्रीमंती मोठी.
3.       Save your money for a rainy day.
4.       Rich people are greedy.
5.       Rich people are criminal
6.       Money can’t buy happiness
7.       The rich get’s richer and the poor get’s poorer.
And most commonly heard phrase is
“We can’t afford it?” (मला हे परवडत नाही)

Just try and recollect how many times you have heard the phrase “Money doesn't grow on tree”पैसे काही झाडाला लागत नाहीत. We have heard this many a times and probably day in and day out. All the statements you have heard when you were young remain in your subconscious mind as part of your blueprint that is running your financial life.

Let me give you my example. Being from Maharashtra Marathi family, I was always told that “Investment in Real estate and stock market is very risky.” But on the other hand there were many investors who were earning money in this area. So till my age 39, I have never invested in real estate. SO I missed the boat of real growth. Since I realized the fact, I made changes in my thought process and changed the mind programming. It worked.

So by removing these entire massive, toxic weed from my inner “Financial Garden”, I began reaping more fruits. This is all about reprogramming your own financial blueprint. The steps for reprogramming are very simple.

Steps for Change: verbal Programming

Awareness: Write down all the statements you heard about money, wealth and rich people when you were young.

Understanding: Write down how you believe these statements have affected your financial life so far.

Disassociation: When you see these thoughts you will come to know that, these thoughts are not part of your body or anatomy. You have choice to change these negative thought in present.

Declaration: Declare loud that “Whatever I have learned negative about money is not true. I will choose new way of thinking that support my happiness and success”

Stay tuned for our next blog on; “Modeling”

Thursday 9 April 2015

What is your money blue print and how it is formed?

What is money Blue print?
              We have heard this word many a times in our life. Let us consider a blueprint for a building. This is preset or well designed plan for that home or a building. Person working on the execution gets a clear idea of how and from where to begin and where to close.
In the similar way; your money blue print is simply a preset program or way of being in relation to money.

             It’s been bit confusing. Isn't it! Let me explain. Your own Money or financial Blue print determines how you create your reality and wealth. Financial or money blue print consists of a combination of your thoughts, feelings and action in the arena of money. So how is your money blue print formed? The answer is simple. Money blueprint consist primarily the information or “Programming” you have received in the past and especially as a child.

          Who were the primary sources of this programming or conditioning? For most people, the list includes parents, friends, teachers, religious leaders, media and your culture to name a few.

           Let’s take culture. Certain culture has one way of thinking and dealing with money, while other culture has a different approach. E.g. Maharashtrian Marathi people prefer job to doing business; where as a Gujrati person prefer to do business. Any child and any person on this earth do not come out of the womb with his or her attitudes towards money. But the fact is, the same child is taught how to think about and act in relation to money. Same holds true for every human being on this earth. You were taught to think and act when it comes to money. These teaching become your conditioning. Once you are conditioned in a particular way; they become an automatic response that is given to you for the rest of your life. So to change this automatic response you have to revise your mind’s money files.

To revise mind’s money files we need to understand; how are we conditioned?

Stay tuned for our next blog:

How is your mind conditioned to think about money in your life?

This program will make you think; how you think about money.

Tuesday 7 April 2015

What is the invisible world all about?

As a human, we are part of nature, not above it. We always hear all our ancestors saying “We just cannot go against nature.” But in some way or other we go against nature. And we have observed many a times that “For every event we try to go against nature, we have suffered a big loss.”

Lets us try and understand this one basic example. Imagine a tree. Let us suppose this tree represents the tree of life. On this tree there are fruits. In life, our fruits are called as our results. So we look at fruits (i.e our results) and we don’t like them. Once we like them, whether is real fruit or our life results; “We blame them.” But what is it that actually creates those particular fruits or our life results? It’s the seeds and the roots that create those fruits.

So basically by nature law “It is what underground that creates what’s above the ground is.” It is invisible that creates visible. So what does that mean? It means that if you want to change the fruits, you will first have to treat the roots. If you want to change the visible outcome of life, you must focus to change the invisible.

Normally when you go against nature and always focus on the visible or external fruits or our life results, you suffer a lot. Why because you are going against the law of nature. As stated earlier; as a human we are part of nature. So we have to abide the rules of nature.

That is why placing your attention on the fruits that are already grown is futile. You can’t change the fruits that are already hanging on the trees. You can however change tomorrow’s fruits. But for that you have to dig the ground below and strengthen the roots. You have to focus on your “inner world for money success.” 

Money and wealth is result. Lack of money is merely a symptom of what is going on in your inner world. Lack of money is effect, but What is the root cause?It boils down to one basic principle of “your own money psychology.”

If things aren't going well in your life, it’s because things aren't going well in your inner life. It’s that simple.

Our next blog topic – What is your money blue print and how it is formed?

Sunday 5 April 2015

Why is Money Blueprint so important?

If we really observe closely in the market; we see many people who have ‘Blown Up’ financially. We see people financially BROKE. We see some people get lot of money and then they lose in very short period of time. We have many examples around us. We know with expansion of the city limits, many farmers get Crores of Rupees by selling their land. And in few years most of them lose the entire money. In all these cases, we blame the down turn in economy or name it as bad luck. But the actual reason is different matter all together.

Most of the people do not have the internal capacity to create and hold on to the large amount of money and success. But successful business people are always ready to handle this large amount of money. Even when successful people lose their money, BUT they usually have it back within a relatively short period of time.

Now we need to understand, why these types of opposite events happen in the world. This is just because, successful people even if they lose their money, they will never lose their important ingredient to success; their successful mind.

The reality is that most people do not reach their full financial potential. Most people are not successful. Research has shown that 80% of individual will never be financially free in the way they would like to be AND 80% will never claim to be truly happy.
The reason is very simple. Most people are unconscious. They live strictly in the visible world. So just to get successful, you must start looking at the invisible world which is making so huge impact on our life.

Our next blog topic: What is the invisible world all about? 

Saturday 4 April 2015

Financial Blue Print

                    We live in the world of duality; Up and Down, Hot and Cold, in and Out. These are few, but there are thousands of opposite poles. For one pole to exists, the other pole must also exist. Is it possible to have right side without left side. Not a chance.

Consequently, just as there are “Outer” Laws of money, there must be “Inner” Laws.

Outer laws of money include;

  1. Business Knowledge
  2. Money Management AND
  3. Investment strategies.
                These are very essential. But the inner game is just important. Most people believe that “It’s enough to be in the right place at the right time”. But we believe that “You have to be the right person in the right place at the right time.”

               So, who you are? What do you think? What are your beliefs? What are your habits and traits? How do you really feel about yourself? How confident are you in yourself? How well do you relate to others? How much do you trust others? Do you really feel that you deserve wealth?..... And many such personal qualities need to be understood.

The fact is that your own Character, Your thinking and your beliefs are a critical part of what determines the level of your success. 

Our next blog topic

Why is Money Blueprint so important?

Thursday 2 April 2015

Financial Fitness

Hi friends, It is since 2004 we at “Kaijing Financial Planners” work in the area of personal financial planning. Over this period we have achieved following credentials.

 Over this period I have been official speaker on "Economic Times Investors Forum 2006, Sakaal Investmeet 2007 till 2011".

 I have been taking sessions on Financial Planning with KPIT Cummins, L&T Infotech (Pune and Mumbai), BMC Software to name a few.

During this journey I have delivered Financial Planning session to over 25000 people.

My observation while I did my financial planning sessions is that; every person needs their own financial planning to be done. But hardly 1% or 2% actually do the financial planning. I was bit worried. After attending session most of them get a short blast of energy and then it’s back to the status quo.

So begin investigate the reason. After going through lot of books, seminars, CD’s, finally we got the answer. And believe me answer is very simple, it’s a law. It all comes down to the basic principle which states that; 

If your subconscious “Financial Blueprint” is not “set” for success, nothing you will learn, nothing you know and nothing you do will make a difference.

Over the period of time we will demystify you “Why some people are destined to be rich and others are destined for a life of struggle. You will understand the root cause of success, mediocrity or financial failure, and begin your financial future for the better.
In short; over the time period you are going to learn “How to master the inner game of money to win the game of money” – How to think rich to get rich!

So let us begin our journey to understand what is “Financial Blueprint” is all about.

Stay tuned for our next Blog.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

नवीन वर्ष २०१५- एक नव्या दिशेचा शोध

लेखक- सुधीर खोत.
फोन नं.९८५०८४०९५३

प्रत्येक वर्ष कसं पुस्तकासारखच असत ना ! ३६५ दिवसाचं!!
जसं नवं पान उलटू तसं नवं मिळत जातं, नवं पान, नवा दिवस, नवी स्वप्ने, नवी ध्येय, नव्या  आशा, नव्या दिशा, नवं यश, नवं हर्ष, नवं वर्ष सगळ कसं नवं नवं.
या सर्व नविन गोष्टी मध्ये आपली पैश्याबद्दलची मानसिकता मात्र एकदम जुनीच राहते. याच जळमटाने व्यापलेली आपली पैश्याबद्दलची मानसिकताच आपल्याला आपण आज जिथे आहोत तिथेच वर्षानुवर्ष ठेवते.
नविन वर्षात जर आपल्याला आपली पैश्याची परिस्थिती सुधारावी अशी आपण अपेक्षा ठेवत असू, तर आपण आपल्या पैश्याबद्दल कसा विचार करतो यावर विचार करणे अपेक्षित आहे. आता हे थोडंस अवघडच वाटत असेल ना. चला तर मग थोड सोप्प करून पाहू.
असे कोणीतरी म्हटले आहे की, “जर आपल्याला आजपर्यन्त मिळालेल्या पैश्याच्या यशापेक्षा चांगले यश हवे असेल तर; आज पर्यंत आपण जे करत आलो आहोत त्यापेक्षा वेगळे काहीतरी करावे लागेल,” आता हे म्हणजे नेमक काय. बरं, एक उदाहरण पाहू. जर एका आंब्याच्या झाडाला चांगली फळे येत नसतील तर आपण फळाला दोष देतो का? नाही ना. जर आपण त्या निर्माण झालेल्या फळांवर बाहेरुन फवारणी केली तरी त्या फळाची प्रत सुधारत नाही. अशा वेळी आपण जर झाडाच्या मुळाची काळजी घेतली तर त्यानंतर येणारे पिक हे पूर्वीपेक्षा चांगलेच असते.
अश्याप्रकारे मनुष्याच्या बाबतीत त्याची मुळे म्हणजे तो जो काही करतो आहे तो विचार. ह्याच विचारसरणीवर आपण विचार करणं महत्त्वाचे आहे. आपण करत असलेली पैश्याबद्दलची विचारसरणी आपण आज जिथे आहोत तिथून एकतर खाली किंवा वर घेऊन जाते.
हा जो विचार आहे, तो आपल्या मनामधून येतो आणि दुर्देवाने मनाचे प्रमुख काम आहे संरक्षण. यामुळे आपल्याला आपले मनं संरक्षित करून नेहमी सुरक्षित क्षेत्रामध्ये ठेवायचा प्रयत्न करते आणि इथेच सर्व प्रगतीचे मार्ग थांबतात. आपल्या मनाची ही संरक्षित राहण्याची प्रवृत्ती ही आपल्यावर लहान पनापासून बिंबवली जाते. लहानपानापासून मनावर कोरलेला एक संस्कार, एक सुविचार, एक सर्वश्रुत वाक्य आहे, “पैश्याच्या श्रीमंतीपेक्षा मनाची श्रीमंती मोठी”.
मला माहीत नाही का, पण जसं मोठा होत गेलो तसा मी वेगळा विचार करू लागलो. तेव्हा हे वाक्य मला अधुरे वाटायला लागले.
पैश्यांचा विचार, घरदार, समाज, पगार, जगण्यासाठी धावणं, जिंकण, कोलमडणे, परत उभं राहणं.....हे सर्व अनुभवताना, इतरांचे बघताना हे वाक्य माझ्या परीने पूर्ण करायचा प्रयत्न केला, आणि त्या वाक्याला जोड दिली.
“ पैश्याच्या श्रीमंती पेक्षा मनाची श्रीमंती मोठी आहेच पण फक्त मनाचा मोठेपणा पुरेसा नाही, तर जोडीला आर्थिक स्वाथ्य हे हवच”. आणि माझा हे ठाम मत आहे की रिकाम्या पोटी काहीही सुचत नाही. भूक लागल्यावर माणूस कोणत्याही थराला जाऊ शकतो.
अश्या प्रकारचे अनेक विचार आपल्या मानात ठासून भरलेले असतात जे आपल्या प्रगतीच्या आड येतात. या सर्व नकारात्मक विचारांमुळे आपण चांगल्या सवयींपासून नेहमी दूर राहतो. कारण माणसाची प्रगती ही नेहमी काहीही, “करण्याची सवय अथवा न करण्याची सवय” या वर अवलंबून असते. आपण जर डोळे उघडून नीट पहिले तर आपल्याला आश्चर्य वाटेल की, “असे का असते, की काही लोकांना पैसे खूप सहज मिळतात, तर भरपूर लोकांना पैसे मिळविण्यासाठी खूप कष्ट करावे लागतात”. या दोन व्यक्तीमत्वांमध्ये त्यांचे शिक्षण, बुद्धिमत्ता, कौशल्य, वेळ, त्यांच्या ओळखी, त्यांचे बळवंतर नशीब, त्यांचा व्यवसाय, त्यांची गुंतवणूक या गोष्टीमुळे असा हा फरक असावा का?
आश्चर्यकारक उत्तर आहे, असे काहीही नाही. एखादी व्यक्ती त्याच्या जीवनात पैशाने एकदम यशस्वी होते याचे एकमेव कारण म्हणजे, “पैसा व यश यासाठी लागणारी त्याची आर्थिक संकल्पना (Financial Blue print)”. अशी ही आर्थिक संकल्पना प्रत्येक व्यक्तीच्या आंतरीक मनात ठासून भरलेली असते आणि ही आर्थिक संकल्पना प्रत्येक व्यक्तीची वेगळी असते. म्हणून एका व्यक्तीचे यश हे नेहमी दुसऱ्या व्यक्तीपासून पूर्ण वेगळे असते. आणि जर अपल्याला आपल्या आयुष्यात पैश्याच्याबाबतीत  पूर्ण यश हवे असेल तर प्रत्येक व्यक्तीने आपल्या आर्थिक संकल्पनेवर काम करावे अत्यंत महत्वाचे आहे.
आर्थिक संकल्पना ही प्रत्येक व्यक्तिच्या पैश्याबद्दल असणारे विचार, भावना व त्यावर करत असलेली क्रिया यावर अवलंबून असते. ही आर्थिक संकल्पना आपण लहान असल्यापासून आपले शिक्षक, पालक, मित्र परिवार, आपले धार्मिक गुरु, आपली संस्कृती अशा अनेक पैकी काही लोकांनी आपल्या मनावर बिंबवलेल्या गोष्टींवर आवलंबून असते. काही विचार तर इतके बिंबवलेले असतात, की आपण त्यांना सहज सोडू शकत नाही. जसे की,
१.      अंथरूण बघुन पाय पसरावेत.
२.      कष्ट केल्याशिवाय पैसा मिळत नाही.
३.      पैसा मिळवायला पैसेच लागतात.
४.      मला ही गोष्ट परवडत नाही.
५.      पैसे सांभाळणे ही खूप मोठी जबाबदारी आसते.
६.      पैसे ही सर्व वाईट गोष्टींसाठी कारणीभूत आहे.
७.      पैसा माझासाठी एवढा महत्वाचा नाही. म्हणजे माझा आयुष्यात मी पैशाला महत्व देत नाही .
८.      गुंतवणूक करणे ही फक्त पैशावाल्यांची गोष्ट आहे.
९.      भरपूर पैसा कमविण्यासाठी चांगले नशीब लागते.
१०.  दुसऱ्याच्या डोक्यावर पाय देऊनच भरपूर पैसे कमावता येतात......

जरा विचार करून बघा, की आपण ज्या ज्या वेळी असा नकारात्मक विचार करतो त्या त्या वेळी या विश्वामध्ये असणारी एक अनामिक शक्ती आपल्याला म्हणते “तथास्तु”. म्हणजे तसाच आहेस तू. त्यामुळे प्रत्येक व्यक्तीने, आपण पैशाबद्दल कसा विचार करतो यावर बारकाईने लक्ष द्यावे लागेल व त्यामध्ये बदल करणे अत्यंत आवश्यक आहे. आपण पैशाबद्दल कसा विचार करतो व त्या नकारात्मक गोष्टी कश्या बदलायच्या या साठी खालील नमूद एक छोटा प्रयोग स्वतासाठी करा :-
१.      समजणे:- लहानपणापासून अशी सर्व नकारात्मक वाक्ये जी तुम्ही पैसा व श्रीमंत माणसांबद्दल ऐकली असतील ती लिहून काढा.
२.      जाणून घ्या:-  की या सर्व नकारात्मक वाक्यांमुळे आपल्या आर्थिक यशा मध्ये काय परिणाम झाला आहे.
३.      बाजूला करा :- या सर्व नकारात्मक गोष्टी आपण आपल्या जन्मापासून घेऊन आलेलो  नाही. तेव्हा या सर्व गोष्टी आपण बाहेर फेकून देऊ शकतो.
४.      घोषणा करा:- स्वत:ला ठामपणे सांगा की या सर्व पैशाबद्दल नकारात्मक गोष्टी ज्या मी माझ्या लहानपणापासून ऐकत आलेलो आहे त्या अजिबात बरोबर नाहीत.

मला माझ्या आर्थिक यशासाठी सकारात्मक गोष्टींचा विचार करायला हवा.
तेव्हा, माझ्या सर्व वाचक मित्र व मैत्रिणींनो, या २०१५ च्या नवीन वर्षापासून आपण आपल्या आर्थिक स्वायतता, आर्थिक विकास, आर्थिक यशासाठी आपल्या स्वत:च्या आर्थिक संकल्पने वर लक्ष्य केंद्रित करून ती अधिक सकारात्मक कशी करायची हाच नवीन वर्षाचा ठराव करून वर्षाची सुरुवात करूया.

Happy New Financial Year 2015