Monday 30 March 2015

Live Your Life Abundantly

"It’s Your Life, It’s Your Choice, So Become Money Wise"

Right now all over the world there are people making money while they sleep, while they paint their toe nails, while they hangout at the beach with their kids or while they just sit around watching movies.


What they know about is something called PASSIVE OR RESIDUAL INCOME & in this financial fitness workshop I am gonna teach you top strategies so you can create it & then you can spend your time doing whatever you wanna do, wherever you wanna do it with whomever you wanna do it with.
So join us on 19th & 26th April  2015 For our Financial Fitness Workshop.

19th April 2015

Workshop For individual ₹ 1500/- 
Time :9 AM to 6 PM
Venue:  Kaijing Financial Planners, The Pentagon, Office No. 217 & 218, Near Hotel Panchami, Above Axis Bank, Off Pune Satara road, Sahakar Nagar, Pune – 411009.     (Tea,Cookies & Lunch)
Contact no: 020-24210112, 9850840953, 9689914961

26th April 2015

Workshop For individual ₹ 1500/- 
 Time: 9 AM to 6 PM.
 Venue: Kaijing Financial Planners, The Pentagon, Office No. 217 & 218, Near Hotel Panchami, Above Axis Bank, Off Pune Satara road, Sahakar Nagar, Pune – 411009.     (Tea,Cookies & Lunch)
Contact no: 020-24210112, 9850840953, 9689914961

Mail id:

One of our Financial Fitness sessions

#‎pune‬ ‪#‎india‬ ‪#‎maharashtra‬ ‪#‎education‬ ‪#‎selfdevelopment‬

4 Money beliefs that limit your wealth inside and out

Do you ever feel yourself sabotaged around money? Ever wonder if You have some limiting beliefs from your childhood that are holding you back? Most of us seem to have a next financial level that we love to get to?

Money is neither negative nor positive, it just is a tool for us to make change. Ok, so let me share with you the 4 limiting beliefs about money.

Belief 1:- Someone else should/will do this for me.

This belief gives another person your power. Instead, know your worth and believe that you’re capable of solving your own financial problems, like getting out of debt.

Belief 2:- I’m not good with money.

This belief only holds you back. We've all learned the skills we have, and being” good” is one of them. Know your worth and understand that your beliefs become your actions, and your actions become your life. Pay attention to your money and you’ll start to build a better relationship with it.

Belief 3:- People with money are greedy or it’s not spiritual to have money.

When we have a negative judgment against others, our subconscious will never allow us to have that abundance we’re judging because we believe it’s negative. Know your worth and your worthiness to have abundance, and understand that money is just a tool to trade value for value.

Belief 4:- I’m not ……. Enough.

This thought takes you out of the game. No one will value you more than you value yourself. Know your worth and begin to put your attention on what you value about yourself and the ways you bring value to the world. Write down three of these things before bed each night so that you begin to grow that muscle…..

It’s Your Life, It’s Your Choice, So Become Money Wise

Saturday 14 March 2015

Self-mastery is a challenge for every individual - Workshop on March 22

We invite you to attend this unique workshop.

Self-mastery is a challenge for every individual.

Self-mastery workshop

DATE: Sunday 22nd March 2015. TIME: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Self-mastery is the ultimate test of our character.

    • Self Mastery is a technique of overcoming the thought process.  Our vision and perception in observing the world and ourself can greatly improve our ability to master our mind and thoughts.
    • It requires climbing out of the deep valleys of our life and scaling our own Mount Everest.
    • In its simplest terms, self-mastery is doing those things we should do and not doing those things we should not do. It requires strength, willpower and honesty.

    FEES: For individual ₹ 600/-.  Participant with spouse - for the couple ₹1000/-.

    VENUE: Kaijing Financial Planners, The Pentagon, office # 217, 218, Near Hotel Panchami, Above Axis Bank, Off Pune Satara Road, Sahakar Nagar, Pune – 411 009, India.

    Contact today 020-24210112 or Mobile +91 9405539808, +91 9850840953

    ‪#‎pune‬ ‪#‎india‬ ‪#‎maharashtra‬ ‪#‎education‬ ‪#‎selfdevelopment‬

    Thursday 12 March 2015

    Make your life colourful with self-mastery workshop on March 22

    Self-mastery is a challenge for every individual.

    It is the ultimate test of our character.

    It requires climbing out of the deep valleys of our life and scaling our own Mount Everest.

    • In its simplest terms, self-mastery is doing those things we should do and not doing those things we should not do.  It requires strength, willpower and honesty.
    We invite you to attend this unique workshop:
    DATE:  Sunday 22nd March 2015. TIME: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
    VENUE:  Kaijing Financial Planners, The Pentagon, office # 217, 218, Near Hotel Panchami, Above Axis Bank, Off Pune Satara Road, Sahakar Nagar, Pune – 411 009, India.
    FEES:  For individual ₹ 600/-.  We encourage husband / wife to attend together, so for the couple ₹1000/- .

    Contact 020-24210112 or Mobile – +91 9405539808, +91 9850840953.
    E mail:

    Saturday 7 March 2015


    International Women's Day

    All around the world, International Women's Day represents an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women while calling for greater equality.

    Make it happen

    Make It Happen is the 2015 theme for the International Women's Day global hub, encouraging effective action for advancing and recognising women.

    Tuesday 3 March 2015

    Do you control money or does money control you?

    Sabse Bada Rupaiya

    Ten points that shows money is controlling you!

    1. Money controls your mood-you feel good or bad based on your finances
    2. You blame others for your financial problems (government, boss and spouse)
    3. You constantly worry about paying your bills
    4. You judge people based on the amount of money they have
    5. You lie, cheat or steal to get money; even a little lying or cheating shows money is controlling you
    6. You often wish you could buy more things
    7. You spend money to feel better
    8. You take unnecessary financial risks
    9. You use credit to buy things that decrease in value, such as expensive cars or expensive clothing
    10. Your only goal in life is to get rich, but you have no realistic plan

    Ten points that shows YOU are controlling money!

    1. Cheating you out of your money is very difficult
    2. Each year, your earning power improves and financial worth increases
    3. You buy things that increase in value
    4. You decide to buy something, save the money, and get what you want
    5. You donate to causes you believe in, even if just small amounts
    6. You have good credit
    7. You invest in yourself, such as more education or personal improvement
    8. You keep your financial agreements
    9. You pay your taxes
    10. You use money as a tool to follow your dreams and reach your goals
    Contact Financial Fitness to learn how YOU can control money!

    To join Facebook Group Sabse Bada Rupaiya  CLICK HERE

    Post by Mr. Sudhir Khot, CEO, Financial Fitness, Pune, India.