Tuesday 28 April 2015

What is your financial blueprint set for?

You must be wondering by now that, what is financial blueprint is all about and how does it really affect you. What is your current money and success blue print? Are you set for success, mediocrity or financial failure? Are you set for working hard for your money or working in balance?

Just try and observe around and also the thought process you carry for these years. Did you hear people saying that “Luck is not favoring me since my childhood? Whatever I do I suffer loss.” Just try and analyze following few questions.

  1. Are you set for picking winning investments or picking losers?
  2. Are you programmed for saving money or spending money?
  3. Are you programmed for managing money well or mismanaging it?
If you observe very closely, people with same traits always come together. We know one proverb. Birds with same feather flock together. SO it is very clear that, “Your financial blueprint will determine your financial life and even your personal life.”

Let me give you an example. If you are women whose financial blue print is set for LOW, big chances are you will attract a man who is set for LOW so you can stay in your financial “Comfort Zone” and validate your blueprint. Similarly; if you are a man who is set for low, chances are you will attract a women who is spender and get rid of all your money, so you can stay in your financial “Comfort Zone” and validate your blueprint.
Most people believe the success of their business is primarily dependent on their business skills and knowledge or at least timing of the market place. Here I completely disagree with this thought process. How well your business does is a result of your money blueprint. You will always validate your blueprint. If you have set your blueprint for Rs. 10,00,000/- a year, that’s exactly how the business will do enough the earn the desired amount. And vice a versa if you have set your blueprint for Rs. 100,00,000/- a year you will definitely reach the desired figure just because of your set Financial Blue print.

So let’s try and understand what your money blueprint set is for? One obvious way to look for the results you have achieved so far.
  • Look at your bank account.
  • Look at your income.
  • Look at your net worth.
  • Look at your success with investments.
  • Look at your whether you are spender or saver.
  • Look at your relationships that involve money.
Is the money a struggle or does it come to your easily? Do you stick to one business OR job for a long OR do you jump around a lot?

If you analyze all these questions and have received answers for them, you will realize that these are just the result of the thought process you have been carrying for all these years. All these negative or positive thoughts do not live in your head rent free. Each though will either move you towards happiness or success OR away from it. That is why it is very important you choose your thoughts and beliefs very wisely.

To choose all these positive thoughts about Money, you must understand “How do rich people think and act?”

So my dear blog readers; if you want to understand the exact thought process to become rich and change your financial life forever, please stay connected for all 17 main wealth principles which we will post on our blog in due course of time.

Cheers for your journey towards “Complete Financial freedom”

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