Friday 21 August 2015

Wealth mantras # 1 Rich people believe “I create my life.” Most others believe “Life happens to me.”

To achieve any success in life, whether it is personal or financial you have to be at the steering wheel of your life. If you don’t take yourself on the driving seat then I guarantee that “you have very little or no control over your life and therefore you have very little or no control over your financial success. Believe me this is not a rich attitude. 

Did you ever notice that usually poor people spend a fortune playing a lottery? They spend a lot of money over the lottery to win out of their luck. I am sure everyone wants to win the lottery and every rich person play it for a fun once in a while. But they do not spend a lot over a lottery and most important they play for fun and not winning a lottery. 

You have to believe that you are the one who creates your success OR mediocrity OR creating your struggle around money and success. Consciously or unconsciously it’s only YOU. Instead of really taking responsibility of what’s really going on in their lives, most people play the role of victim. They always try to pity themselves and grab sympathy from people around them. Believe me by the virtue of law of intention “You get exactly what you want. That’s very less money or being poor.” I have said it very clear here that “they are not victims, but they play the victim because they feel that they get something. 

So let’s try and analyze when you know that the people are playing victims. There are three different clues.
  • When it comes to why they are not rich or why do they did not do any event successfully is that they play a “Blame Game”. For them it’s always someone else or something else that is to blame. But it is important to note that “problem is anything or anyone but them. 
  • If Victims are not blaming you will find them justifying or rationalizing their situation by saying something like “Money’s not really important.” It is very important to note that – If you keep saying that your close friends, your spouse, your partner or even your boyfriend or a girlfriend is not so important to you, would any one of them be around for a long? I don’t think so, neither would money.
  • Third and most worst possible clue they give is they keep on Complaining. Why complaining is so worst. Let me explain. I am big believer in the universal law which states “What you focus on expands.” When you are complaining, what are you focusing on, what is right in your life or what is wrong with your life? While you are complaining you are focusing on what is wrong in your life and by the law of universe; you keep focusing on your problems and thus you keep getting more of wrong in your life.
For every action done in your life you have a reward kept aside by universe especially for you.  So what people get out of being a victim? The answer is just an attention or a plain sympathy. But believe me it is virtually impossible to be truly happy and successful when you are constantly demanding for attention. Because of its attention you want, you are at mercy of others. You usually end up as a “people pleasure” begging for approval.
It is high time now to decide. You can be a victim or you can be rich. But you can’t be both. Every time you blame, justify or complain, you are walking away from your financial success.
So friends just try and stay away from being victim which will be a hurdle in your financial success.
Good luck and stay connected for my next blog on wealth file.

Rich people play the money game to win and poor people play the money game not to lose.

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