Tuesday 3 March 2015

Do you control money or does money control you?

Sabse Bada Rupaiya

Ten points that shows money is controlling you!

  1. Money controls your mood-you feel good or bad based on your finances
  2. You blame others for your financial problems (government, boss and spouse)
  3. You constantly worry about paying your bills
  4. You judge people based on the amount of money they have
  5. You lie, cheat or steal to get money; even a little lying or cheating shows money is controlling you
  6. You often wish you could buy more things
  7. You spend money to feel better
  8. You take unnecessary financial risks
  9. You use credit to buy things that decrease in value, such as expensive cars or expensive clothing
  10. Your only goal in life is to get rich, but you have no realistic plan

Ten points that shows YOU are controlling money!

  1. Cheating you out of your money is very difficult
  2. Each year, your earning power improves and financial worth increases
  3. You buy things that increase in value
  4. You decide to buy something, save the money, and get what you want
  5. You donate to causes you believe in, even if just small amounts
  6. You have good credit
  7. You invest in yourself, such as more education or personal improvement
  8. You keep your financial agreements
  9. You pay your taxes
  10. You use money as a tool to follow your dreams and reach your goals
Contact Financial Fitness to learn how YOU can control money!

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Post by Mr. Sudhir Khot, CEO, Financial Fitness, Pune, India.

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